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While reading Carr's article "Is Google Making Us Stupid", I found many facts and opinions. It is very important in analyzing writing to know the difference between the two. If you do not know the difference you may believe something that shouldn't be, or even become confused about the topic. Essay Editing | Essay Checker & Corrector | The style of your assignment will be clear and engaging, involving the reader and not distracting him from the plot! If you are looking for someone to 'grade my essay' and don't want to waste days at the library or searching the internet, contact our support team and let our proofreaders do the rest.

Stephen Carr, in his article "Is Google Making Us Stupid?", argues that because of the internet, humans are losing their ability for deep reading and deep thought. His argument was very solid and I liked how he used examples from different time periods as well as his own personal experiences. Google Writer Google Writer is a new application planned to be launched soon at Google Labs. It will integrate with many other Google services and guide you while writing a blog post, an essay or a news article. Let's say you have a blog about Google, you wake up in the morning and wonder what to write. Hemingway Editor Tweet. © 2013-2016 .38 Long LLC. Created by Adam & Ben Long.Adam & Ben Long.