
Sentence with the word antithesis

Antithesis is used in writing or speech either as a proposition that contrasts with or reverses ... They typically make a sentence more memorable for the reader or listener through balance and emphasis of the words. ... The term "antithesis" in rhetoric goes back to the 4th century BC, for example Aristotle, Rhetoric, 1410a, ... Use antithesis in a sentence | antithesis sentence examples How to use antithesis in a sentence. Example sentences with the word antithesis. antithesis example sentences.

The Antithesis | Watts Up With That? You know, in science, there was once this thing we called the Theory of Multiple Working Hypotheses. Anathema (a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication) in modern climate science. Definition and Examples of Antithesis in Rhetoric In rhetoric and grammar, antithesis is the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases.

How to use antithesis in a sentence - WordHippo

Mar 18, 2019 · An antithesis as a figure of speech at the sentence level builds on these powerful natural pairs, the use of one in the first half of the figure creating the expectation of its verbal partner in the second half." (Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetorical Figures in Science. Oxford University Press, 1999) Antithesis - Wikipedia Antithesis is used in writing or speech either as a proposition that contrasts with or reverses ... They typically make a sentence more memorable for the reader or listener through balance and emphasis of the words. ... The term "antithesis" in rhetoric goes back to the 4th century BC, for example Aristotle, Rhetoric, 1410a, ... Use antithesis in a sentence | antithesis sentence examples

You explore the myriad ways in which we think about, talk about, and write sentences. You discover insights into what makes for…Antithesis dictionary definition | antithesis definedhttps://yourdictionary.com/antithesisantithesis definition: The definition of antithesis is a contrary or opposite opinion, concept, or characteristic. (noun) An example of someone who is the antithesis of friendly is a grump. ...

27 Feb 2017 ... A culture of violence is antithetical to the church's traditional teaching. ... Similar words: pathetically, aesthetically, hypothetical, parenthetically, ... Antithesis | Definition of Antithesis by Merriam-Webster

Definition and Examples of Antithesis in Rhetoric

In rhetoric and grammar, antithesis is the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases. Antithesis Examples Help! Antithesis! Visit this free resource for definitions and examples of Antithesis. Definition, example and information about Antithesis.

Antithesis definition is - the direct opposite. How to use antithesis in a sentence. Did You Know?

What is 'antithesis'? How is it used in sentences? - Quora My answer: An “antithesis” can be either an entity that is the exact opposite of ... You can use the word Antithesis as in following sentence-. Antithesis | Definition of Antithesis by Merriam-Webster Antithesis definition is - the direct opposite. How to use antithesis in a sentence. Did You Know? an antithesis sentence - Mwc The two 2. the direct opposite (usually followed by of or to):. Her behavior was the very antithesis of cowardly. 3. Rhetoric. the placing of a sentence or one of its parts against another to which it is opposed to form a balanced contrast…

Use antithesis in a sentence | antithesis sentence examples Similarly, though the influence of rhetoric upon his language, as well as upon his general treatment, is clearly perceptible, he has not the perverted love of antithesis, paradox and laboured word-painting which offends us in Tacitus; and, in spite of the Venetian richness of his colouring, and the copious flow of his words, he is on the whole wonderfully natural and simple. Antithesis in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote 3. There is an antithesis between the needs of the state and the needs of the people. Antithesis: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE